Liholiho Yacht Club Readies For Reopening at Long Last
On Tuesday, November 22, Liholiho Yacht Club will make its debut for the third time — after originally opening on Lower Nob Hill in early 2015, pivoting in the pandemic to take over the 18th Street space that had housed a defunct sister restaurant, and now finally returning to its original home. It’s been a long road to getting back open for Liholiho Yacht Club. Much like another popular restaurant that just reopened, Delfina , it hasn’t served a meal in its proper home space since March 2020. After briefly serving takeout in mid 2020 and early 2021, chef/partner Ravi Kapur and his team decided to take over the space that had been home to the newer Dear Inga , which had only just opened in the fall of 2019 and didn’t survive. The space on 18th Street near Valencia, originally built out for Farina two decades ago, allowed for ample outdoor seating as the industry continued to grapple with lengthy pandemic restrictions. And in the bustling Mission, it has since made way for a ...